Of the many special dairy pregnant women on the market, you should be more careful in choosing the best for pregnancy. Not only must be tasty to drink, the milk of pregnant women must also meet the balanced nutrition needed Mother and the fetus in order to grow optimally until birth. Thus, Mother must also pay special attention to the nutritional value and content of the milk of pregnant women who must be consumed during pregnancy. Preferably choose special milk for pregnant women who are enriched with vitamins, DHA, folic acid, iron and various other substances that are beneficial for the growth of the fetus. The mother can get a complete nutrition that can be optimally absorbed during pregnancy in PRENAGEN breast milk.
1. PRENAGEN Milk enriched with vitamins and minerals
Daily vitamin and mineral requirements for mother and baby can be met in two glasses of PRENAGEN milk. During pregnancy, you will feel more tired and weak than before pregnancy. Vitamins and minerals in the milk of pregnant women PRENAGEN can maintain the mother's immune system and help optimize the growth of the potential baby. This is very important since you must have great stamina so that the most expensive baby can grow without a hitch. If the mother does not get enough vitamins and minerals, the fetus may become weaker over time and the potential for miscarriage of the mother becomes higher. Therefore, vitamins and minerals are considered to have a very important role during pregnancy by obstetricians. For this, the mother must know the food that can be a provider of vitamins and minerals needed daily and consume PRENAGEN pregnant milk that contains complete nutrition during the prenatal period.
Not only enriched with vitamins and minerals, PRENAGEN also contains DHA that can help the fetus to be stronger in the womb during pregnancy. DHA can be found in all parts of the body, but most often in the brain. Not only beneficial for the growth of the fetal brain alone, DHA is also important for the health of his eyes in the future, and also good for his nervous system. When pregnancy reaches the third trimester, DHA becomes an obligate nutrient because that is when brain growth develops. If during pregnancy you take enough DHA, the baby will be born with extraordinary brain capacity. Not only that, power concentration, motor skills, and good coordination between the eyes and limbs can also be achieved. The ability to process information and a good memory can also be increased with DHA consumed. Mother would like a smart kid and also healthy, right?
3. Rich in folic acid in PRENAGEN milk
Many say that brain growth is very important when he was a toddler, but in reality the supply of nutrients to the brain when the baby is still in the womb is much more important. For this, Mother needs PRENAGEN milk rich in good nutrition for children in the future. In each glass of PRENAGEN milk, there is vitamin B12 or more commonly known as folic acid. No less important with the various nutrients above, folic acid has a vital role in pregnancy for the growth of children later.
Why is folic acid so important? Folic acid is used to form the neural tube that is the beginning of the growth of the baby's brain in the uterus. A deficiency of folic acid during pregnancy can harm the fetus because it will cause neural tube defects at the birth of the baby. This defect of the neural tube affects the physical appearance as well as the mental state of the child. Therefore, you should pay attention to any good early nutritional intake even before pregnancy, especially those containing folic acid. It is necessary that the baby of the mother be born with a perfect brain and become intelligent in the future!
Do you know how the body provides nutrients essential for the growth of the fetus? The food consumed by the mother will be modified so that the blood can enter the placenta and then be absorbed by the fetus. Therefore, the blood becomes a very important driver for the period of pregnancy. In addition, you should consume a variety of nutrients during pregnancy for fetal growth. Simply, Mother can drink special milk from PRENAGEN pregnant women for nutritional needs for the development of the baby in the womb. In addition to being enriched by some of the important substances mentioned above, PRENAGEN also contains iron which also plays a very important role especially during pregnancy. Why is iron supposed to be so important?
Iron is very useful for the formation of hemoglobin which serves as an oxygen carrier of the lungs throughout the body via red blood cells. The presence of adequate iron will greatly assist the growth of the fetus in the uterus in order to obtain an adequate supply of oxygen. If the oxygen supply is inhibited, the fetus of the birth mother can develop abnormalities, such as cerebral palsy, heart disease after birth, until the death of the fetus in the uterus. In addition, the iron that is the provider of red blood cells is very useful for distributing baby food in the form of nutrients that will be routed through the placenta through the blood. Nutritional intake for the fetus will also be disrupted if you do not have enough iron. Therefore, in case of iron deficiency, the mother may be exposed to anemia which will result in an inhibition of the potential baby's nutritional intake. For the nutrients your body needs during pregnancy, eat PRENAGEN milk every day!
After experiencing all the best nutritional content for Mom during pregnancy, drink PRENAGEN breast milk regularly. With only two glasses of breast milk every day, the nutritional requirements for the future baby's growth in optimal content can also be met. Drink 2x a day for the future of a shiny baby!
PRENAGENT Milk fortified with milk for pregnancy
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